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Giovanni Paolo Pannini

Anne Rushout

Giovanni Paolo Pannini

Artist Biography

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Giovanni Paolo Pannini

Giovanni Paolo Panini was born in Piacenza where he first trained under a stage designer. He later moved to Rome to study drawing and began specializing in decorations, art, prints and posters.

In 1716, Giovanni Paolo Panini was painting depictions of Rome's ancient and modern monuments. Not long after, he began receiving recognition for his art, prints and posters, joining the Congregazione dei Virtuosi al Pantheon and the Accademia di San Luca. He eventually taught at the latter and became the principal.

Beginning in the 1720's. Panini painted frescoes for important clients including the pope, who appreciated his art, prints and posters. He also taught at the Academie de France in Rome where he influenced Jean-Honore Fragonard.

Giovanni Paolo Pannini Art, Prints and Posters Collection